Reaching for the sky
with the New Saints & Stars Gym
Rolan Cornelissen, Creative Director at Eric Kuster, talks about Amsterdam’s latest next-level gym.
Our collaboration with the new Saints & Stars gym in Amsterdam is a perfect example of Ebony and Co’s commitment to creating exceptional wooden environments that combine luxury with functionality. Under the guidance of creative director Rolan Cornelissen, the gym pushes the boundaries of luxury fitness.
With innovative features and our bespoke Continental Oak Megève Lava Hardwax flooring, the space offers an unparalleled fitness experience.

We asked Rolan about his vision and the unique design elements of this state-of-the-art facility.
What inspired the design vision behind Saints & Stars?
We wanted to create a 7-star luxury gym – that was the vision we shared with the owner and the team. We want you to feel like you’re working out with the best trainers, in an environment where every aspect of the workout and the space will blow you away. The beauty of this project is that we have been involved from the very beginning in creating this elite gym brand from a design and aesthetic perspective.
This gym has a luxurious feel from the moment you walk in, thanks to the level of service and upmarket facilities that make the best of the finest materials. From marble to velvet sofas to the latest in lighting technology, Saints & Stars sets the bar high. It has gone from being the new kid on the block to the next-level gym that you want to be a part of. We have created a tribe!
Which unique features or innovations have you introduced at this third Saints & Stars location?
The owner always encourages us to push the boundaries. So we took on the challenge of upgrading the last two locations with a different approach and perspective. We’ve also introduced three new concepts to the Saints & Stars programme.
First, there’s hot yoga under the limitless starry sky. Then, there’s a kickass Reformer Pilates studio, where you can see your muscles flexing and growing in every mirrored angle, enhanced by a lighting effect that takes the space to another level. Finally, there's a longevity programme that takes you from extreme heat to a full Wim Hof challenge in our new and improved wellness ice baths. They test you in every way.
But that’s not all. There’s a real feast for the eyes when you enter this new location. From a cascading waterfall to a fully backlit onyx reception area, we have really taken it to the next level!
Which room or element of the gym is your personal favourite, and why?
My personal favourite is definitely the hot yoga room. It seems endless, from the beautiful Continental Oak Megève Lava Hardwax floor to the starry sky, which has never been done before. It’s a perfect balance of the familiar Saints & Stars look and feel, combined with the serenity of endless stars. It will allow you to perform at your best in the intense heat.

Why did you choose our Continental Oak Megève Lava Hardwax floor for the Hot Yoga space?
It gives the space the character it needs and deserves. The burnt and brushed texture adds an intensity that really enhances the atmosphere. As well as the look, the quality of the floor meets all the requirements for maintaining the timeless feel that we strive for in every project. The teamwork on this project was also next level!